"I Don't Need a Will"

Common misconceptions about who needs a Will.

Emma Birch
Emma Birch Paralegal

"I Don't Need a Will"

By Emma Birch

Published: 15 Oct 2024

1. I am too young to have a Will

If you are over 18, you can legally make a Will. Whilst we all hope we will reach a good age before we die, this is sadly not always the case. When we are young, it’s hard to imagine dying; however, making a Will at a young age and keeping it updated throughout your life ensures that no matter what happens, your wishes are followed.

2. I am not rich enough to need a Will

You may think you need to own a property and have a lot of money in savings before you make a Will. Whilst it is a good idea to have a Will if you have significant assets, it is also a sensible idea even if you only have a small amount in savings to ensure that any assets, no matter how small, pass to those you intend. But this isn’t the only thing that Wills can do, you can also pass sentimental items to specific people and clarify your preferences for your funeral.

3. I live with my partner – surely everything would go to them?

If you are in a relationship and live with your partner, the common assumption is that if you were to die, without being married, everything would just go to them. Whilst this may be your intention, the truth is that without a valid Will in place your Estate will pass under the Intestacy Rules. A partner does not fall within one of the categories who benefit under these rules. Without a valid Will in place, you could find your Estate completely bypassing your partner and instead going to more distant family members.

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